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Cheri Mitchell News

TASH Conference 2022 Phoenix AZ

Cheri Mitchell will be presenting 3 workshops

Using AT to increase independence and meaningful lives- a workshop that tells my story using AT and how to identify AT for people with disabilities that will increase independence and create meaningful lives and recreation. Describes how I use AT in my everyday life and in employment.

Community Living -My story of homeownership- a workshop that tells my story to achieve homeownership and community Living talks about what you need to consider when buying a house and what you need to consider when buying a house Will also talk about becoming a part of a community and having a feeling of belonging. Homeownership is an asset. It is a great way to start building assets

An Old School and New School Self-Advocate: A Frank Discussion on Self advocacy, disability culture and disability civil rights and what it is like living with a disability—Cheri Mitchell and Will Fried will present. Cheri will be Old School and Will is going to be New School.

Picture of Cheri Mitchell

Cheri Mitchell is guest Blogger on Harvard Law School Project on Disability. The blog is titled “Self-Determination and Voting. Click on this link to read the Blog

Becky Writes, wrote about Cheri Mitchell

Check out this blog interview with Inclusive Media Ink founder Cheri Mitchell. Click Here

Jerome Lawrence News

This is a webpage article from the Carter Center from 2009. A recent painting sold for $70,000 at the 2022 fundraising auction by the Carter Center.

This is an article for the Atlanta Journal and Constitution (AJC) 2014

Two Jerome Lawrence original paintings, $100,000 and $57,000


Pictures of Jerome Lawrence’s art on the Carter Center Facebook page


Check out page 6


The vibrant, cheerful painting titled "Tulips are People II," was featured on the Carter Center's 2008 holiday card.


Picture of Jerome Lawrence